Type: Quick Look

Project Duration:
July to December 2019

My Role: UX & UI Design



Riot Forge is a video game publisher that will partner with experienced studios outside of Riot Games to create single-player, story-driven games set in the Runeterra IP.


The team wanted to create a simple web page that communicates the overall strategy and goals of Riot Forge, invite indie developers to contact the team to learn more, and capture players’ intent to stay updated through mailing list signup. It can then be updated as the Riot Forge publishing campaign moves from phase to phase.

As part of the team, I was the sole UX designer for the announcement site and directly responsible for creating, testing, and iterating on designs globally (Riot Regions) to hit our product and experiential goals. Additionally, I had the opportunity to flex my visual design skills and design the look & feel of this site.



  • Announce Riot Forge & branding identity

  • Provide developers a way to learn Riot Forge’s business and approach

  • Provide developers with a way to contact Riot Forge

  • Provide players with a way to stay up to date on Riot Forge news and games

  • Site should be able to grow/scale to contain content for future games



A combination of competitive analysis, sketching, and wireframing helped us align on a direction that would best serve the goals for this project.

Frame 1.jpg

Final Product


You can interact with the final product by visiting the Riot Forge website!